
Chapter 923: Script

Chapter 923: Script

Somewhere in Prosperous Fountain Hotel was a huge Roman column. An old porter with white gloves and a greasy middle-aged man with a condom in his pocket welcomed guests. Everything about the place just highlighted one thing: I’m expensive!

The Average wage earner could not afford to stay in Prosperous Fountain Hotel, but doctors who frequently came and went were already used to hotels of this standard.

“It’s well-organized.” The surgeon from the south praised him as he registered for his nametag at the reception.

The resident doctor sitting at the other end of the sign-in desk smiled, using the words that Huo Congjun had him rehearse eight hundred times. “Our Yun Hua Hospital Emergency Medical Center is holding such an event ourselves for the first time, if there is anything unsatisfactory, please do let us know. ”

The surgeon on the opposite side did indeed understand what he was trying to say. “Oh, so you guys organized it yourself? Why not let a pharmaceutical sales company do it?”

The resident doctor answered with a smile, “Our Department Director Huo wants it to be simple.”

“So stupid?”

The resident doctor smiled even more and bowed slightly. “Please take your identity card and confidently check in at the hotel front desk …”

The participating surgeon smiled, waved his hand, and left.

The resident doctor let out a sigh. In the operating theater, he had to be bullied by senior doctors, and when he came out to be a receptionist for an event, he had to also be bullied by senior doctors…

“Teacher Li, if you are tired, take a break. We will take care of the remaining registered guests.” An intern buttered up the resident doctor.

Resident Doctor Li acknowledged what he said with a hum and obviously could not say that this was what he was used to. He just smiled and said, “Then I’ll take some rest for a while. I’ve also been operating for a full day since yesterday.”

“Okay, Teacher Li, take a break. If there’s anything, we’ll call you,” the intern responded sweetly.

Resident Doctor Li rubbed his waist contentedly and went to the office in the back to play with his phone.

The remaining three interns continued to busy themselves with check-ins, arrange materials, and were proficient and efficient. As one performed these miscellaneous tasks for a long time, one would gain experience. If one was even a little smarter, one could improve his efficiency and become a proud and capable general admin.

Huo Congjun inspected the territory as he patrolled Prosperous Fountain Hotel.

He was taking small steps slowly, like an experienced old wolf.

Next to him was Chief Physician Tao, who was about to retire.

Chief Physician Tao put an arm on Huo Congjun’s shoulder, and said solemnly, “We still spent a bit of money even if someone is funding it. If no one is funding it, would we really spend half of our funds on this?”

“Isn’t it good if someone funded us? This shows that our Yun Hua Emergency Medical Center has a good reputation, and the name of our medical center is also gaining traction.” Huo Congjun looked a little smug. After hearing that Wang Chuanwen had decided to subsidize their event, Huo Congjun found that it was neither good for him to reject it, and nor was he willing to sponsor the money required for the event, so he kept tirelessly making several phone calls. He unexpectedly received more funding so that not only did the Emergency Medical Center not have to spend a single cent, but the seminar would be classier.

This kind of funding from non-medical companies was more complicated for hospitals, but the increase in effect and fame would be compounded.

Old Huo was not afraid of trouble, he was just afraid that not enough ears would hear about this seminar, and he was taking advantage of a pharmaceutical sales company, which forced him to be nicer to them.

Of course, he did not think much about the latter. The shameless Emergency Department director found it easy to just take up all the pharmaceutical sales companies’ fundings. However, fame was really something that he had to work on, bit by bit.

At that moment, what Huo Congjun cared about the most was to have his center obtain a proper title for itself.

The Yun Hua Hospital Emergency Medical Center was the only emergency center in Changxi Province. When this brand was hung up, it would have many benefits, but one could not just wait for the benefits to come. One would need to work for it.

For example, the power to manage the ambulances from the emergency command center was something that an emergency center cared about greatly. In some cities in China, the management of the emergency command center belonged to a special department under the Health Bureau, while in some cities, it can be managed by a tertiary Grade A hospital. Sometimes, in certain cities, the emergency command center was only responsible for sending the patients, and they would just hand off the responsibility of arguing with other parties to other departments.

As for whether local hospitals wanted to select patients, receive more patients, or reject more patients, that was something they would have better control over if they had the authority to control the emergency command center.

Huo Congjun naturally wanted to be the father of all Emergency Departments in the province. If possible, it would not matter if he led the Emergency Departments in multiple provinces. It was difficult to be a dad for a newborn baby, but if he had a few adults as his sons (read: underlings), would he not be able to take care of them (read: command them as he wanted)?

He could act like he was right now, and he felt even better about the seminar right now because he had private funding.

“So, you have to perform top-level surgeries before you can gobble up all the people at the top of the pyramid.” Huo Congjun recalled his experience over the past few days and could not help laughing. “I don’t think you’ve seen it before, but there are those who have to pay their connections when they ask them for a favor.”

As Huo Congjun spoke, he burst out laughing, and his voice sent tremors across the lobby of Prosperous Fountain Hotel.

Several doctors who just entered the door heard the sound and turned around automatically to sit on the couch in the lobby silently as they waited for the sound to pass.

However, not everyone was afraid of Huo Congjun.

A hearty laughter came from the door. “The first person I see as I enter is Department Director Huo. When Department Director Huo is happy, I’m happy as well.”

“Hospital Director Bo, you’re here.” Huo Congjun stopped laughing.

Chief Physician Tao, who had his hand on Huo Congjun’s shoulders, clearly felt that the muscles on Huo Congjun’s shoulders had stiffened.

“I’m an uninvited guest.” Hospital Director Bo came forward with a chuckle. He was a tall and handsome middle-aged man.

“There’s no such thing as an uninvited guest. All guests are welcomed.” Huo Congjun’s tone was somewhat idnigant.

When Hospital Director Bo handed over his business card, Chief Physician Tao immediately knew why. The man was from Junan Clinic.

Junan Clinic was a well-known private clinic in the industry. Unlike ordinary private hospitals, Junan Clinic was actually more like a medical intermediary agency, but its ability to connect with multiple hospitals in many countries to fight for world-class treatment for their patients was already unusual.

On the other hand, compared to purely medical intermediaries, Junan Clinic had medical qualifications and the qualifications and ability to perform major surgeries. Therefore, it can also invite foreign senior doctors to fly to China. In fact, many of the foreign freelance surgeons invited by many hospitals only managed to contact those surgeons because of Junan Clinic. Through this relationship, Junan would contact the domestic freelance surgeons again and again, and made money by the hourly fees of the surgeons using their wards and operating theaters…

It could be said that it was a medical institution that turned a medical business into an intermediary business and a real estate business.

For such private clinics, the impact was relatively large for old-school public hospitals personnel, regardless of whether it was a substantial impact or a conceptual impact.

Chief Physician Tao could not help but glance at Huo Congjun.

Old Huo was from a military hospital, and his thought processes were even more conservative…

“Hospital Director Bo is the person in charge of Junan Clinic?” Chief Physician Tao probed for an answer.

Huo Congjun acknowledged and said, “We have studied together.”

“Hospital Director Bo looks really young.” Chief Physician Tao praised the guest politely.

Hospital Director Bo nodded with a smile, “I’m a few months older than Department Director Huo. I think I look young because I have too much free time in my hands.”

Huo Congjun’s face instantly became dark, and he asked succinctly, “You didn’t just come here for a reunion, right?”

“Well, I took a fancy for your Doctor Ling,” Hospital Director Bo said calmly.

Huo Congjun’s facial expression changed immediately.

“I have an operation and would like to invite Doctor Ling to perform it.” The next sentence from Hospital Director Bo made Huo Congjun relax once more.

When he heard that he was only inviting Ling Ran for a surgery, Huo Congjun’s expression immediately relaxed, and he said affirmatively, “No! I don’t care about how the dogs at the Health Bureau thinks by allowing Junan to operate the way it does, but Ling Ran will not perform your operation.”

“You really won’t let him?”

“He’s not doing it!”

“If he doesn’t do it, I’ll go to the General Surgery Department of the provincial hospital. To be frank, how many cases of combined liver and stomach radical operation can be performed in a province? If both of you rushed to do it, you can’t even train your surgery team.” Hospital Director Bo smiled. He was an expert in this sort of situation.

Huo Congjun showed a fierce look.

Hospital Director Bo was not afraid.

Huo Congjun smiled suddenly, but his gaze was still fierce, but he showed his white, shiny teeth, and said, “I want to see who dares to do it.”

Hospital Director Bo also laughed, “Combined stomach and liver radical surgery is very difficult, but as long as we give people a chance, they will be able to master it after practicing it a few times.”

Huo Congjun, “If he can live past his second morbidity and mortality meeting, I will write my surname backwards.”

Hospital Director Bo was tongue-tied, and he could not help but lower his head, ‘Where’s my walkthrough for such a situation?’

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